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<正> 严独鹤先生在我国新闻界,是著名的爱国新闻工作者。他近半个世纪的办报活动,积累了丰富的经验,为我国新闻事业史增添了一份宝贵的财富。严独鹤先生在家中,敦厚友善,尊长爱幼。他言传身教,以其威武不屈,富贵不淫的高
目的通过检测食管癌患者外周静脉血细胞角蛋白7(CK7)mRNA、癌胚抗原(CEA)mRNA表达,探讨CK7、CEA mRNA能否作为检测食管癌外周静脉血微转移的标志物。方法用随机表的方法选择
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For a Bose-Einstein condensate (BEG) confined in a double lattice consisting of two weak laser standing waves we find the Melnikov chaotic solution and chaotic
For more than 20 years nuclear physicists have used the GEANT code to simulate particle-matter interaction. In most recent version, GEANT4 is a toolkit for simu