bad Morning倒霉的上午
Bill almost didn’t get to work this morning. As he wasleaving his apartment building, he was hit on the head by aflowerpot which had been put on a windowsill by one of hisneighbors. As he was running to the bus stop, he was bittenby a stray dog. While he was wailing for the bus, he wasalmost run over by a truck, while he was riding on the bus,his wallet was stolen. All his money and identification cardswere taken. As he was walking into his compan,he wasaccidentally knocked down by a girl delivering newspapers.And when Bill finally got to work, he was yelled aL by hisboss for being an hour late. Poor Bill! What a terrible way tobegin the day!
10.Set SpeCific goals that Vou know VOU can achievesuccess breeds success!set more dLalle“gong goals as you make progress.Even if you only start with withsenterIces a day you wll know twenty—one new sentences by the eNd of the week!定下明确的、你知道可达成的目标。成功孕育成功!一有进步,就定下更有挑战性的目标。就算开始时你一天只能脱口而出三句话,一个星期之后你就掌握了21个新句子!11.Try to use what you’ve learned in evervdav life.Dare to show 0ff you English,esPedally t0 PeoPle who dOn’t seak English!Ttle more you use English,the more nuent voar Ennlish will become.在每天的生活中尽量使用你学过的东西。大胆卖弄你的英语,尤其是对着那些不懂英语的人!你用得越多,你的英语就会越流利。12.Try,to create your own English environmentPfarce with your friends familily,and PeoPleyou see every day Ifyoudon’thave anyonet。Practice withtalk to vourself in a mirror!It sounds crazv but it will work!创造自己的语言环境。每走和你的朋友、家人和见到的人操练。如果你找不到人操练,就对着镜子自言自语!这听起来很疯狂,但却很有效!
bad Morning倒霉的上午
Bill almost didn’t get to work this morning. As he wasleaving his apartment building, he was hit on the head by aflowerpot which had been put on a windowsill by one of hisneighbors. As he was running to the bus stop, he was bittenby a stray dog. While he was wailing for the bus, he wasalmost run over by a truck, while he was riding on the bus,his wallet was stolen. All his money and identification cardswere taken. As he was walking into his compan,he wasaccidentally knocked down by a girl delivering newspapers.And when Bill finally got to work, he was yelled aL by hisboss for being an hour late. Poor Bill! What a terrible way tobegin the day!
10.Set SpeCific goals that Vou know VOU can achievesuccess breeds success!set more dLalle“gong goals as you make progress.Even if you only start with withsenterIces a day you wll know twenty—one new sentences by the eNd of the week!定下明确的、你知道可达成的目标。成功孕育成功!一有进步,就定下更有挑战性的目标。就算开始时你一天只能脱口而出三句话,一个星期之后你就掌握了21个新句子!11.Try to use what you’ve learned in evervdav life.Dare to show 0ff you English,esPedally t0 PeoPle who dOn’t seak English!Ttle more you use English,the more nuent voar Ennlish will become.在每天的生活中尽量使用你学过的东西。大胆卖弄你的英语,尤其是对着那些不懂英语的人!你用得越多,你的英语就会越流利。12.Try,to create your own English environmentPfarce with your friends familily,and PeoPleyou see every day Ifyoudon’thave anyonet。Practice withtalk to vourself in a mirror!It sounds crazv but it will work!创造自己的语言环境。每走和你的朋友、家人和见到的人操练。如果你找不到人操练,就对着镜子自言自语!这听起来很疯狂,但却很有效!