介绍武广客运专线XXTJ-Ⅱ标段DK1342+3501-5 m涵洞过渡段的施工工艺、施工质量控制以及施工中应注意的问题,包括级配碎石材料及配比的选定、拌和机械设备的配备、填筑压实工艺及施工要点等。所探索出的一套行之有效的施工质量控制措施,确保了过渡段的施工质量。
The construction technology, construction quality control and construction should pay attention to the XXTJ-Ⅱ bidding segment DK1342 + 3501-5 m of Wuhan-Guangzhou Passenger Dedicated Line, including the selection of gradation and grading materials, blending machinery and equipment Equipped with filling compaction process and construction points and so on. Explore a set of effective construction quality control measures to ensure the quality of the construction of the transitional section.