
来源 :军事历史研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lwhxtq
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1949年1月,辽沈、淮海、平津三大战役相继结束,国民党反动派军队主力已被歼灭。解放军势如破竹,直逼长江,就要迅速渡江解放江南大地,中国人民革命胜利已成定局,蒋介石的国民党政权已是风雨飘摇中芨芨可危的破船,但蒋介石反动当局企图利用长江天堑作垂死挣扎。为了保存残余力量,48年6月25日,蒋介石召集何应钦、顾祝同、汤恩伯等布置和确立了长江防线为前沿,以沪杭三角地带为重点,以淞沪地区为核心的作战方针。因此,在玩弄和平阴谋的同时加紧建立陆海空长江主体防线。命令林遵将军率领的国民党第二舰队由海上防务调进长江,以掩护国民党的陆军作战,第二舰队二十五艘艇上的一千二百余名官兵在中国共产党正确政策的感召下,由舰队司令林遵将军率领下,毅然在南京附近的笆斗山江面上起义。被毛泽东称赞为“在南京江面上的壮举”。 In January 1949, the three major campaigns of Liaoshen, Huaihai and Pingjin came to a close, and the main force of the Kuomintang reactionary forces was annihilated. The People’s Liberation Army desperately thrusts into the Yangtze River. It is necessary to speedily cross the river to liberate the south of the Yangtze River. The victory of the Chinese people’s revolution is a foregone conclusion. Chiang Kai-shek’s Kuomintang regime is already in jeopardy. However, the Chiang Kai-shek reactionary authorities tried to use the natural moat in the Yangtze River to dying for death . In order to preserve the residual forces, on June 25, 48, Chiang Kai-shek called He Yingqin, Gu Zhuantong and TANG Enbo to lay out and establish the operational guideline focusing on the Yangtze River defense as the frontline, the Shanghai-Hangzhou-Triangle Strip as the focal point, and the Songhu district as the core. Therefore, while playing a peaceful conspiracy, we should step up efforts to establish the main line of defense of the land, sea and air. Under the command of General Lin Hsun, the second fleet of the KMT transferred from the maritime defense to the Yangtze River to cover the army operations of the Kuomintang. The 1,200 officers and men of the 25 vessels of the Second Fleet, inspired by the correct policies of the Chinese Communist Party, Under the command of General Lin Zun, commander of the fleet, resolutely uprising on the Beidoujiang River near Nanjing. Praised by Mao Zedong as “a feat on the Nanjing River.”
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