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课改下的初中化学课堂应该是轻松的、自主的。但是,在“满堂灌”“一刀切”课堂的影响下,化学给我们留下的印象都是抽象的、枯燥的,导致学生对化学学习的兴趣越来越低。所以,我们要借助恰当的教学方法将抽象课堂形象化,以激发学生的学习热情,使学生以积极的态度、轻松的心情走进化学课堂,进而为高效课堂的顺利实现做好基础工作。一、创设生活情境将抽象课堂形象化化学与生活之间的密切联系是不言而喻的,化学来源于生 Junior high school chemistry classes under the curriculum reform should be relaxed, independent. However, under the influence of classrooms, chemistry gives us the impression of being abstract and boring, leading to a decrease in students’ interest in chemistry learning. Therefore, we should use appropriate teaching methods to visualize the abstract classroom so as to arouse students’ enthusiasm for learning so that students can enter the chemistry classroom with a positive attitude and relaxed mood, so as to provide a good foundation for the smooth implementation of efficient classroom. First, the creation of life situations will abstract the image of the classroom The close connection between chemistry and life is self-evident, chemical derived from students
本文提出了在新课程理念下激发高中生英语学习兴趣的几点体会。 This article puts forward some experiences of stimulating high school students’ interest in English