1995年1月1日世界贸易组织(WTO)的成立,为世界外贸经济活动构筑了一个具有开放性和规范性运作的框架。关贸总协定(GATT)及其他规则和协定提供了全球经济交往的法律基础和组织基础。WTO使世界多边贸易体制得到加强,遏制了贸易保护主义,必将促进世界范围内的水产品自由贸易进一步发展,推动了各国渔业经济全球化进程。 目前,随着我国加入WTO进程的加快,面对挑战与机遇,笔者认为应尽可能早地调整我国渔业结构,适应国际环境的变化,使我国渔业能在国际领域稳步发展。
January 1, 1995 The establishment of the World Trade Organization (WTO) has created an open and normative framework for the world’s foreign trade and economic activities. The GATT and other rules and agreements provide the legal and organizational basis for global economic interaction. WTO strengthened the world’s multilateral trade system, contained trade protectionism, promoted the further development of free trade of aquatic products throughout the world and promoted the globalization of fishery economy in various countries. At present, with the acceleration of China’s accession to the WTO and the challenges and opportunities, the author believes that the structure of China’s fishery should be adjusted as early as possible to adapt to changes in the international environment so that China’s fisheries can develop steadily in the international arena.