“经济人”假说是构建西方经济学大厦的重要基石 ,“经济人”是从现实生活中抽象出来 ,并不断发展变化的。经济人大体经历了古典经济人、新古典经济人、泛经济人三个发展阶段 ,不同阶段的经济人具有不同的伦理特性和科学价值。全面、辩证、动态地分析、评价经济人的伦理特性 ,对我国市场经济条件下道德建设具有重要的启迪意义。
The “economic man” hypothesis is an important cornerstone for building a Western economics building. The “economic man” is abstracted from the real life and constantly evolves. Economic people have generally experienced three stages of development: classical economy, neoclassical economy and pan-economic economy. Economists at different stages have different ethical characteristics and scientific values. To comprehensively, dialectically and dynamically analyze and evaluate the ethical characteristics of economic people is of great enlightenment significance to the moral construction under the conditions of our market economy.