长春邮电学院(前身东北邮电学校)于1947年创建于东北解放区,解放战争胜利后迁到了长春。由于地理条件和教学需要,获得了一部分伪满洲国电报电话株式会社(以下简称伪满电电会社)的技术档案和书刊资料。现就开发利用这些资料谈些体会: 一、开发利用伪满邮电书刊资料的历史作用“伪满电电会社”是经营电信和广播事业的单位,直接受日本关东军司令部控制监督,由军方派人任总裁、理事、参事,所属各层次官吏均由日本人担任。在机构上除了
Changchun University of Posts and Telecommunications (formerly Northeastern University of Posts and Telecommunications) was founded in 1947 in the liberated areas of Northeast China, moved to Changchun after the victory of the Liberation War. Due to geographical conditions and teaching needs, we obtained a part of the technical files and books and periodicals of the Puppet State Manchurian Telegraph Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the Manchurian Electricity & Power Club). Now on the development and utilization of these materials to talk about some of the experience: First, the development and utilization of the historical role of the puppet postal books and information “Puppet electric clubs” is the telecom and broadcasting business units directly under the control of the Japanese Kwantung Army Command and Control by the military Party sent any president, director, counselor, all levels of government officials are served by the Japanese. In addition to the agency