樊崇义委员: 您提出的“关于人民法院贯彻实施人民陪审制度的建议”转至我院后,我院领导十分重视,当即指示有关人员直接听取您对落实人民陪审员制度的意见,并向您介绍我院拟在今年着力加强人民陪审员工作的总体思路。随后,我院慕平副院长又就人民陪审员制度方面的一些关键问题与您进行了交流,您的真知灼见给我们以很大的启发,亦更加坚定了我们进一步搞好人民陪审员工作的决心和信心。目前,由于法律对人民陪审员的管理、权利、义务等缺乏明确的规定,导致各地在人民陪审员
Member Fan Chongyi: After your proposal of “Implementing the System of People’s Jury System by People’s Courts” was transferred to our hospital, leaders of our hospital attached great importance and immediately instructed relevant personnel to directly listen to your opinions on the implementation of the people’s jury system and give you Introduce our hospital intends to focus on strengthening the work of the people’s jury this year, the general idea. Subsequently, Vice President Mu Ping of our hospital also exchanged views with you on some key issues concerning the system of people’s assessors. Your insights and insights have greatly inspired us and strengthened our further work on the work of the people’s assessors Determination and confidence. At present, due to the lack of explicit provisions on the management, rights and obligations of the people’s jurors by the law, all local people’s jurors