美国百货商店业的发展经历了一段非常曲折的时期。在80年代中期,几家主要大的百货公司相继被合并袭击者们收购。他们只对公司的房地产和其他赚钱的生意感兴趣。几乎每个主要城市都失去了一个算是它们文化遗产重要一部分的百货商店。 美国百货商店不得不学会在同大型的折扣连锁
The development of the U.S. department store industry has experienced a very period of twists and turns. In the mid-1980s, several major department stores were acquired by merger attackers. They are only interested in the company’s real estate and other profitable businesses. Almost every major city has lost a department store that counts as an important part of their cultural heritage. American department stores have to learn to chain with big discounts