Abstract: The lichen genus Carbacanthographis is reported as new to Guangxi, characterized by the closed disc, carbonized exciple, labia covered with a distinct white pruinose layer, warty periphysoids, and I- or weakly I+, muriform or transseptate ascospores. The species C. marcescens is characterized by the conspicuous lirellae, the laterally carbonized exciple, the hyaline ascospores muriform with (12.5-20)×(5-7.5) μm size, and the presence of salazinic acid. The specimens examined come from Mt. Shengtang, Jinxiu, Guangxi. So far, only one species reported in the rare genus from China. The species was firstly found in the natural environment and inland of Guangxi, China. Which is very important to the flora study, protection and using of the species resource.
Key words: lichenized Ascomycota, Ostropales, Graphidaceae, taxonomy
CLC number: Q949.34Document code: AArticle ID: 10003142(2017)02023104
摘要: 該文报道了文字衣科(Graphidaceae)地衣一广西新记录属——炭刺文衣属(Carbacanthographis )。该属主要特征是子囊盘面闭合,果壳炭化,盘唇具白色粉霜层,类缘丝具疣,子囊孢子砖壁型或横隔双透镜型,I-或微I+。枯炭刺文衣,标本采自广西金秀圣堂山,该种特征是线盘明显、盘被两侧炭化、子囊孢子无色砖壁型、孢子大小(12.5-20)×(5-7.5) μm、地衣体含有水杨嗪酸。该属是中国稀有属,迄今仅有1种报道。该种首次在内陆自然环境中发现,这对于炭刺文衣属及其类群的区系研究、物种保护和利用具有很重要的意义。
关键词: 地衣型子囊菌, 厚顶盘目, 文字衣科,分类学
The lichen genus Carbacanthographis Staiger & Kalb, belonging to Graphidaeceae, Ostropales, Lecanoromycetes, Ascomycota, comprises 25 species, distributed mostly in tropical and subtropical regions (Staiger, 2002; Kalb, 2004; Archer, 2006, 2007, 2009; Lücking et al, 2009; Bungartz et al, 2010; Sharma et al, 2010; Tripp et al, 2010; Sharma & Khadilkar, 2011; Lücking, 2013; Kukwa et al, 2013). As a continuation of an ongoing taxonomic revision of Graphidaceae in China (Miao et al, 2007; Jia & Wei, 2009; Jia et al, 2011; Jia & Kalb, 2013; Jia & Kalb, 2014; Cui et al, 2014; Wang et al, 2015; Xu et al, 2015). Some small genera including this genus of the family were included. This is the first report of Carbacanthographis with a species C. marcescens (Fée) Staiger & Kalb from Guangxi, China. Aptroot & Sipman (2001) reported Graphina marcescens (Fée) Müll. Arg. from Hong Kong, now the species as synonymy of C. marcescens (Fée) Staiger & Kalb (Staiger 2002).
1Materials and Methods
The specimens are deposited in the Lichen Section of Botanical Herbarium, Shandong Normal University (SDNU). Dissecting microscope (OLYMPUS SZX12) and light microscopes (OLYMPUS BX51 & NIKON Eclipse55i) were used for the morphological and anatomical studies. Sections of thalli and ascomata were mounted in water, 10% KOH (K), and Lugol’s solution (I). The lichen substances were identified by thinlayer chromatography (TLC) using standardized methods (Culberson & Kristensson, 1970; Culberson, 1972; White & James, 1985). 2Results and Analysis
2.1 Carbacanthographis Staiger & Kalb
Biblthca. Lichenol. 85: 98 (2002). Type species: Carbacanthographis chionophora (Redinger) Staiger & Kalb.——Graphis chionophora Redinger.Fig. 1Carbacanthographis marcescens (specimen: DF Jiang 20107131)A. Thallus (Scales=1 mm); B. Section of an ascoma
(Scale=50 μm); C. The upper part of ascoma with periphysoids (Scale=50 μm); D. Ascus with ascospores (Scale=20 μm).
Thallus is pale fawn to greenish brown, smooth or uneven, dull to glossy. Ascomata lirelliform, conspicuous, sessile, straight or curved, rarely branched; lips closed with white pruinose layer. Proper exciple laterally or completely carbonized, covered by a conspicuous thalline layer. Hymenium not inspersed, I. Ascospores hyaline, transversely septate to submuriform, I or I+ pale blue.
Chemistry: Depsidones present.
Substrate: Barks.
Distribution: Tropical to subtropical.
The genus is characterized by a convergent, carbonized exciple, labia covered with a distinct white pruinose layer in the upper part, warty periphysoids, and I- or weakly I+, muriform or transseptate ascospores. Carbacanthographis is morphologically similar to the allied genus Acanthothecis Clem. in having periphysoids, but differs in having carbonized exciple. It is also similar to Graphis Adans., in having a welldeveloped, carbonized, convergent exciple, but the latter differs in lacking periphysoids and having the strongly I+ ascospores.
2.2 Carbacanthographis marcescens (Fée) Staiger & KalbFig. 1 AD
Biblthca. Lichenol. 85: 109 (2002).——Graphis marcescens Fée, Essai Crypt. Exot. (Paris): 38 (1825).——Graphina marcescens (Fée) Müll. Arg., Mém. Soc. Phys. Hist. nat. Genève 29(8): 42 (1887).
Thallus corticate, greyish green to grey, surface uneven and dull. Apothecia lirelliform, conspicuous, white, sessile (completely raised above thallus surface), partially straight or curved, rarely branched, 1-3.5 mm long, 0.2-0.3 mm wide, with a conspicuous powdery thalline margin (often concolorous with thallus). Labia entire and closed. Disc concealed. Proper exciple laterally carbonized, concealed in the thalline margin. Hypothecium hyaline, not inspersed, 50-80 μm high, I-. Paraphyses simple. Periphysoids short, distinctly warty at tips. Ascospores 8 per ascus, ellipsoid, hyaline, muriform, 12.5-20 μm long, 5-7.5 μm wide, 4-5/1-2locular, I+ weak blue.
Chemistry: salazinic acid, norstictic acid and protocetraric acid (TLC). Specimens examined: China. Guangxi: Laibin City, Jinxiu, Mt. Shengtang, 1 400-1 800 m, on barks, 07-08/XII/2010, Ming LI 20106748, 20107054; DaiFeng JIANG 20107131, 20107160; HaiYing WANG 20108054 (SDNU).
Distribution and ecology: Carbacanthographis marcescens is a widely distributed corticolous species. It has been reported in Australia, the Solomon Islands, Thailand, Cuba, USA, Guyana, Cameroon and Brazil (Staiger, 2002; Archer, 2006). Aptroot & Sipman (2001) reported it as Graphina marcescens (Fée) Müll. Arg. from Hong Kong. Our materials were collected on barks from a subtropical montane forest, a habitat similar as those reported outside China. This is the first report of the species from Guangxi, China.
Remarks: Carbacanthographis marcescens is characterized by the conspicuous white lirellae, the laterally carbonized exciple, the small muriform ascospores [(12.5-20) μm long, (5-7.5) μm wide] and the presence of salazinc acid. The size of the species reptorted are: (12-17) × (5-7) μm (Staiger, 2002) and (12-14) × (5-6) μm (Archer, 2006). It is similar to C. salazinica (A.W. Archer) A.W. Archer, but the latter can be readily differed by the completely carbonized exciples and the larger ascospores [(19-23) μm long, (7-8) μm wide, 6-8/1-2locular] (Archer, 2006).
AcknowledgementsThe authors would like to acknowledge Prof. ZHAO ZunTian for his kind offer of specimen on loan.
APTROOT A, SIPMAN HJM, 2001. New Hong Kong lichens, ascomycetes and lichenicolous fungi [J]. J Hatt Bot Lab, 91: 317-343.
ARCHER AW, 2006. The lichen family Graphidaceae in Australia [J]. Biblioth Lichen, 94: 1-191.
ARCHER AW, 2007. Key and checklist for the lichen family Graphidaceae (lichenized Ascomycota) in the Solomon Islands [J]. Syst Biodivers, 5: 9-22.
ARCHER AW, 2009. Graphidaceae [J]. Fl. Australia, 57: 84-194.
BUNARTZ F, LCKING R, APTROOT A, 2010. The family Graphidaceae (Ostropales, Lecanoromycetes) in the Galapagos Islands [J]. Nova Hedwigia, 90: 1-44.
CUI C, WANG XH, JIA ZF, 2014. New records of genus Ocellularia from China [J]. J Fung Res, 14(4): 79-82. [崔璨, 王曉华, 贾泽峰, 2014. 中国点衣属地衣新记录种. 菌物研究, 14(4): 79-82.]
CULBERSON CF, 1972. Improved conditions and new data for the identication of lichen products by a standardized thinlayer chromatographic method [J]. J Chromat, 72: 113-125.
CULBERSON CF, KRISTINSSON H, 1970. A standardized method for the identication of lichen products [J]. J Chromat, 46: 85-93. JIA ZF, KALB K, 2013. Taxonomical studies on the lichen genus Platygramme (Graphidaceae) in China [J]. Lichenologist, 45(2): 145-151.
JIA ZF, KALB K, 2014. Thalloloma ochroleucum (Graphidaceae), a new species from Guizhou, China [J]. Mycotaxon, 128: 113-115.
JIA ZF, MIAO XL, WEI JC, 2011. A preliminary study of Hemithecium and Pallidogramme (Graphidaceae, Ostropales, Ascomycota) from China [J]. Mycosystema, 30(6): 870-876.
JIA ZF, WEI JC, 2009. A new species Thalloloma microsporum (Graphidaceae, Ostropales, Ascomycota) [J]. Mycotaxon, 107: 197-199.
KALB K, 2004. New or otherwise interesting lichens Ⅱ [J]. Biblioth Lichen, 88: 301-329.
KUKWA M, SCHIEFELBEIN U, FLAKUS A, 2013. A contribution to the lichen family Graphidaceae (Ostropales, Ascomycota) of Bolivia [J]. Herzogia, 26 (2): 231-252.
LCKING R, 2013. Minksia chilena (C. W. Dodge) Redón & Follmann belongs in Graphidaceae and its correct name is Carbacanthographis chilensis (Zahlbr.) Lücking [J]. Lichenologist, 45(1): 127-129.
LCKING R, ARCHER AW, APTROOT A, 2009. A worldwide key to the genus Graphis (Ostropales: Graphidaceae) [J]. Lichenologist, 41: 363-452.
MIAO XL, JIA ZF, MENG QF, WEI JC, 2007. Some species of Graphidaceae (Ostropales, Ascomycota) rare and new to China [J]. Mycosystema, 26(4): 483-506.
SHARMA BO, KHADIKAR P, MAKHIJA U, 2010. Two species of Carbacanthographis from India [J]. Lichenologist, 42: 391-395.
SHARMA BO, KHADIKAR P. 2011. Two additional new species of Carbacanthographis from India [J]. Lichenologist, 43(4): 293-297.
STAIGER B, 2002. Die Flechtenfamilie Graphidaceae: Studien in Richtung einer natürlicheren Gliederung [J]. Biblioth Lichen, 85: 1-526.
TRIPP EA, LENDEMER JC, LENDEMER C, 2010. Resolving the genus Graphina Müll. Arg. in North America: new species, new combinations, and treatments for Acanthothecis, Carbacanthographis, and Diorygma [J]. Lichenologist, 42: 55-71.
WANG XH, XU LL, JIA ZF, 2015. The lichen genus Leiorreuma in China [J]. Mycotaxon 130: 247-251.
WHITE FJ, JAMES PW, 1985. A new guide to microchemical techniques for the identication of lichen substances [J]. Bri Lich Soc Bull, 57 (Suppl): 1-41.
XU LL, JIA ZF, 2015. Lichen genus Myriotrema and species M. viridialbum new to China [J]. J Fung Res, 13(3): 132-135.
Key words: lichenized Ascomycota, Ostropales, Graphidaceae, taxonomy
CLC number: Q949.34Document code: AArticle ID: 10003142(2017)02023104
摘要: 該文报道了文字衣科(Graphidaceae)地衣一广西新记录属——炭刺文衣属(Carbacanthographis )。该属主要特征是子囊盘面闭合,果壳炭化,盘唇具白色粉霜层,类缘丝具疣,子囊孢子砖壁型或横隔双透镜型,I-或微I+。枯炭刺文衣,标本采自广西金秀圣堂山,该种特征是线盘明显、盘被两侧炭化、子囊孢子无色砖壁型、孢子大小(12.5-20)×(5-7.5) μm、地衣体含有水杨嗪酸。该属是中国稀有属,迄今仅有1种报道。该种首次在内陆自然环境中发现,这对于炭刺文衣属及其类群的区系研究、物种保护和利用具有很重要的意义。
关键词: 地衣型子囊菌, 厚顶盘目, 文字衣科,分类学
The lichen genus Carbacanthographis Staiger & Kalb, belonging to Graphidaeceae, Ostropales, Lecanoromycetes, Ascomycota, comprises 25 species, distributed mostly in tropical and subtropical regions (Staiger, 2002; Kalb, 2004; Archer, 2006, 2007, 2009; Lücking et al, 2009; Bungartz et al, 2010; Sharma et al, 2010; Tripp et al, 2010; Sharma & Khadilkar, 2011; Lücking, 2013; Kukwa et al, 2013). As a continuation of an ongoing taxonomic revision of Graphidaceae in China (Miao et al, 2007; Jia & Wei, 2009; Jia et al, 2011; Jia & Kalb, 2013; Jia & Kalb, 2014; Cui et al, 2014; Wang et al, 2015; Xu et al, 2015). Some small genera including this genus of the family were included. This is the first report of Carbacanthographis with a species C. marcescens (Fée) Staiger & Kalb from Guangxi, China. Aptroot & Sipman (2001) reported Graphina marcescens (Fée) Müll. Arg. from Hong Kong, now the species as synonymy of C. marcescens (Fée) Staiger & Kalb (Staiger 2002).
1Materials and Methods
The specimens are deposited in the Lichen Section of Botanical Herbarium, Shandong Normal University (SDNU). Dissecting microscope (OLYMPUS SZX12) and light microscopes (OLYMPUS BX51 & NIKON Eclipse55i) were used for the morphological and anatomical studies. Sections of thalli and ascomata were mounted in water, 10% KOH (K), and Lugol’s solution (I). The lichen substances were identified by thinlayer chromatography (TLC) using standardized methods (Culberson & Kristensson, 1970; Culberson, 1972; White & James, 1985). 2Results and Analysis
2.1 Carbacanthographis Staiger & Kalb
Biblthca. Lichenol. 85: 98 (2002). Type species: Carbacanthographis chionophora (Redinger) Staiger & Kalb.——Graphis chionophora Redinger.Fig. 1Carbacanthographis marcescens (specimen: DF Jiang 20107131)A. Thallus (Scales=1 mm); B. Section of an ascoma
(Scale=50 μm); C. The upper part of ascoma with periphysoids (Scale=50 μm); D. Ascus with ascospores (Scale=20 μm).
Thallus is pale fawn to greenish brown, smooth or uneven, dull to glossy. Ascomata lirelliform, conspicuous, sessile, straight or curved, rarely branched; lips closed with white pruinose layer. Proper exciple laterally or completely carbonized, covered by a conspicuous thalline layer. Hymenium not inspersed, I. Ascospores hyaline, transversely septate to submuriform, I or I+ pale blue.
Chemistry: Depsidones present.
Substrate: Barks.
Distribution: Tropical to subtropical.
The genus is characterized by a convergent, carbonized exciple, labia covered with a distinct white pruinose layer in the upper part, warty periphysoids, and I- or weakly I+, muriform or transseptate ascospores. Carbacanthographis is morphologically similar to the allied genus Acanthothecis Clem. in having periphysoids, but differs in having carbonized exciple. It is also similar to Graphis Adans., in having a welldeveloped, carbonized, convergent exciple, but the latter differs in lacking periphysoids and having the strongly I+ ascospores.
2.2 Carbacanthographis marcescens (Fée) Staiger & KalbFig. 1 AD
Biblthca. Lichenol. 85: 109 (2002).——Graphis marcescens Fée, Essai Crypt. Exot. (Paris): 38 (1825).——Graphina marcescens (Fée) Müll. Arg., Mém. Soc. Phys. Hist. nat. Genève 29(8): 42 (1887).
Thallus corticate, greyish green to grey, surface uneven and dull. Apothecia lirelliform, conspicuous, white, sessile (completely raised above thallus surface), partially straight or curved, rarely branched, 1-3.5 mm long, 0.2-0.3 mm wide, with a conspicuous powdery thalline margin (often concolorous with thallus). Labia entire and closed. Disc concealed. Proper exciple laterally carbonized, concealed in the thalline margin. Hypothecium hyaline, not inspersed, 50-80 μm high, I-. Paraphyses simple. Periphysoids short, distinctly warty at tips. Ascospores 8 per ascus, ellipsoid, hyaline, muriform, 12.5-20 μm long, 5-7.5 μm wide, 4-5/1-2locular, I+ weak blue.
Chemistry: salazinic acid, norstictic acid and protocetraric acid (TLC). Specimens examined: China. Guangxi: Laibin City, Jinxiu, Mt. Shengtang, 1 400-1 800 m, on barks, 07-08/XII/2010, Ming LI 20106748, 20107054; DaiFeng JIANG 20107131, 20107160; HaiYing WANG 20108054 (SDNU).
Distribution and ecology: Carbacanthographis marcescens is a widely distributed corticolous species. It has been reported in Australia, the Solomon Islands, Thailand, Cuba, USA, Guyana, Cameroon and Brazil (Staiger, 2002; Archer, 2006). Aptroot & Sipman (2001) reported it as Graphina marcescens (Fée) Müll. Arg. from Hong Kong. Our materials were collected on barks from a subtropical montane forest, a habitat similar as those reported outside China. This is the first report of the species from Guangxi, China.
Remarks: Carbacanthographis marcescens is characterized by the conspicuous white lirellae, the laterally carbonized exciple, the small muriform ascospores [(12.5-20) μm long, (5-7.5) μm wide] and the presence of salazinc acid. The size of the species reptorted are: (12-17) × (5-7) μm (Staiger, 2002) and (12-14) × (5-6) μm (Archer, 2006). It is similar to C. salazinica (A.W. Archer) A.W. Archer, but the latter can be readily differed by the completely carbonized exciples and the larger ascospores [(19-23) μm long, (7-8) μm wide, 6-8/1-2locular] (Archer, 2006).
AcknowledgementsThe authors would like to acknowledge Prof. ZHAO ZunTian for his kind offer of specimen on loan.
APTROOT A, SIPMAN HJM, 2001. New Hong Kong lichens, ascomycetes and lichenicolous fungi [J]. J Hatt Bot Lab, 91: 317-343.
ARCHER AW, 2006. The lichen family Graphidaceae in Australia [J]. Biblioth Lichen, 94: 1-191.
ARCHER AW, 2007. Key and checklist for the lichen family Graphidaceae (lichenized Ascomycota) in the Solomon Islands [J]. Syst Biodivers, 5: 9-22.
ARCHER AW, 2009. Graphidaceae [J]. Fl. Australia, 57: 84-194.
BUNARTZ F, LCKING R, APTROOT A, 2010. The family Graphidaceae (Ostropales, Lecanoromycetes) in the Galapagos Islands [J]. Nova Hedwigia, 90: 1-44.
CUI C, WANG XH, JIA ZF, 2014. New records of genus Ocellularia from China [J]. J Fung Res, 14(4): 79-82. [崔璨, 王曉华, 贾泽峰, 2014. 中国点衣属地衣新记录种. 菌物研究, 14(4): 79-82.]
CULBERSON CF, 1972. Improved conditions and new data for the identication of lichen products by a standardized thinlayer chromatographic method [J]. J Chromat, 72: 113-125.
CULBERSON CF, KRISTINSSON H, 1970. A standardized method for the identication of lichen products [J]. J Chromat, 46: 85-93. JIA ZF, KALB K, 2013. Taxonomical studies on the lichen genus Platygramme (Graphidaceae) in China [J]. Lichenologist, 45(2): 145-151.
JIA ZF, KALB K, 2014. Thalloloma ochroleucum (Graphidaceae), a new species from Guizhou, China [J]. Mycotaxon, 128: 113-115.
JIA ZF, MIAO XL, WEI JC, 2011. A preliminary study of Hemithecium and Pallidogramme (Graphidaceae, Ostropales, Ascomycota) from China [J]. Mycosystema, 30(6): 870-876.
JIA ZF, WEI JC, 2009. A new species Thalloloma microsporum (Graphidaceae, Ostropales, Ascomycota) [J]. Mycotaxon, 107: 197-199.
KALB K, 2004. New or otherwise interesting lichens Ⅱ [J]. Biblioth Lichen, 88: 301-329.
KUKWA M, SCHIEFELBEIN U, FLAKUS A, 2013. A contribution to the lichen family Graphidaceae (Ostropales, Ascomycota) of Bolivia [J]. Herzogia, 26 (2): 231-252.
LCKING R, 2013. Minksia chilena (C. W. Dodge) Redón & Follmann belongs in Graphidaceae and its correct name is Carbacanthographis chilensis (Zahlbr.) Lücking [J]. Lichenologist, 45(1): 127-129.
LCKING R, ARCHER AW, APTROOT A, 2009. A worldwide key to the genus Graphis (Ostropales: Graphidaceae) [J]. Lichenologist, 41: 363-452.
MIAO XL, JIA ZF, MENG QF, WEI JC, 2007. Some species of Graphidaceae (Ostropales, Ascomycota) rare and new to China [J]. Mycosystema, 26(4): 483-506.
SHARMA BO, KHADIKAR P, MAKHIJA U, 2010. Two species of Carbacanthographis from India [J]. Lichenologist, 42: 391-395.
SHARMA BO, KHADIKAR P. 2011. Two additional new species of Carbacanthographis from India [J]. Lichenologist, 43(4): 293-297.
STAIGER B, 2002. Die Flechtenfamilie Graphidaceae: Studien in Richtung einer natürlicheren Gliederung [J]. Biblioth Lichen, 85: 1-526.
TRIPP EA, LENDEMER JC, LENDEMER C, 2010. Resolving the genus Graphina Müll. Arg. in North America: new species, new combinations, and treatments for Acanthothecis, Carbacanthographis, and Diorygma [J]. Lichenologist, 42: 55-71.
WANG XH, XU LL, JIA ZF, 2015. The lichen genus Leiorreuma in China [J]. Mycotaxon 130: 247-251.
WHITE FJ, JAMES PW, 1985. A new guide to microchemical techniques for the identication of lichen substances [J]. Bri Lich Soc Bull, 57 (Suppl): 1-41.
XU LL, JIA ZF, 2015. Lichen genus Myriotrema and species M. viridialbum new to China [J]. J Fung Res, 13(3): 132-135.