在大棚里栽种桃树,要根据地力、管理水平、密度和品种等条件来选定不同的树形,以保证桃子的优质高产。一般来说,大棚桃树可有杯状形、V字形、纺锤形、匍匐扇形四种树形。这四种树形的整形方法如下: 一、杯状形苗木栽后,于50~60厘米处定干。苗木成活,及时抹除砧芽和多余萌芽。当接芽长到10厘米时摘心,促发副梢。从中选出3个方位角好的副梢作1级主枝,待1级主枝长到15~20厘米时,进行二次摘心。从1级主枝前端二次梢中,选两个对称生长的副梢作2级主枝,待2级主枝长到20厘米时,进行第三次摘心。再从
Peach planting in a greenhouse, according to the ground force, management level, density and variety of conditions to choose different tree shape, in order to ensure high quality peach yield. In general, peach trees can have a cup-shaped, V-shaped, spindle-shaped, prostrate fan-shaped four tree. The four tree-shaped plastic methods are as follows: First, cup-shaped seedlings transplanted, set at 50 to 60 cm dry. Seedlings survive, in time to erase the anvil and extra sprouts. When the buds grow to 10 cm when the topping, promote secondary shoots. Select from the three azimuth good vice for a main branch, to be a main branch length to 15 to 20 cm, the second topping. From the main tip of the first level two tips, choose two pairs of symmetrical growth tips for the main branch 2, until the main branch 2 to 20 cm long, the third topping. From again