日本设计来袭Japan Design+项目东京热力发布

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日本设计一直被认为是纯净、抽象而贴近自然的,似乎总保有不易察觉的神秘意趣。如今,我们终于得以近距离感知日本设计,以及与之相得益彰的日本设计师们。日本产业经济省推出了Japan Design+项目——20组活跃在日本设计第一线的优秀新锐设计师经选拔参加了这一项目。很快,世界上经济发展速度最快和拥有巨大生产能力与市场潜力的中国,将和日本优秀的设计人才与经验相结合,产生新的巨大商机。 Japanese design has always been considered pure, abstract and close to nature, it seems that there is always not easy to detect the mysterious interest. Now we are finally able to perceive Japanese design at close quarters and Japanese designers who complement each other. Japan’s Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry launched the Japan Design + project - 20 teams of cutting-edge designers active in the forefront of Japanese design were selected to participate in the project. Soon China, the world economy with the fastest economic growth and huge production capacity and market potential, will combine with Japan’s outstanding design talent and experience to create new and huge business opportunities.
目的:分析温岭市妇幼保健院2013年-2015年30 371名新生儿听力筛查结果。方法:选择温岭市妇幼保健院在2012年10月-2015年9月出生的30 371名新生儿作为研究对象,所有新生儿均于