我国基础教育能否顺利转轨 ,由应试教育转变为素质教育 ,关键在于各级各类学校的校长及教育行政部门的领导。但当前我国中小学校教育行政负责人的状况并不令人乐观 ,他们的自身素质、办学指导思想、教育观念等还不适应教育改革的发展。因此 ,培养选拔一批高素质的校长及教育行政部门负责人应是当务之急
The key to the smooth transition of basic education in our country from exam-oriented education to quality-oriented education lies in the leadership of principals and educational administrative departments of all kinds of schools at all levels. However, the current situation of primary and secondary school administrators in education in our country is not optimistic. Their own qualities, guidelines for running schools, and educational concepts are not yet suitable for the development of education reform. Therefore, it is imperative to cultivate and select a group of high-quality principals and heads of educational administrations