,Thermally induced native defect transform in annealed GaSb

来源 :Chinese Physics B | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:keithforever
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Undoped p-type Ga Sb single crystals were annealed at 550–600?C for 100 h in ambient antimony. The annealed Ga Sb samples were investigated by Hall effect measurement, glow discharge mass spectroscopy(GDMS), infrared(IR)optical transmission and photoluminescence(PL) spectroscopy. Compared with the as-grown Ga Sb single crystal, the annealed Ga Sb samples have lower hole concentrations and weak native acceptor related PL peaks, indicating the reduction of the concentration of gallium antisite related native acceptor defects. Consequently, the below gap infrared transmission of the Ga Sb samples is enhanced after the thermal treatment. The mechanism about the reduction of the native defect concentration and its influence on the material property were discussed. Undoped p-type Ga Sb single crystals were annealed at 550-600 ° C for 100 h in ambient antimony. The annealed Ga Sb samples were investigated by Hall effect measurement, glow discharge mass spectroscopy (GDMS), infrared (IR) optical transmission and Compared with the as-grown Ga Sb single crystal, the annealed Ga Sb samples have lower hole concentrations and weak native acceptor related PL peaks, indicating the reduction of the concentration of gallium antisite related native acceptor defects. Consequently, the below gap infrared transmission of the Ga Sb samples is enhanced after the thermal treatment. The mechanism about the reduction of the native defect concentration and its influence on the material property were discussed.
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在法兰西共和国民间盛传着这样一道有趣的数学题:在一次家庭聚会中有四對夫妻参加,期间他们一共喝了32瓶啤酒。夫人们喝酒具体情况为:露易丝、蕾蒂丝、约瑟芬与玛丽分别喝了1瓶、2瓶、3瓶与4瓶;先生们喝酒甚是厉害:马尔勒、让·阿冉、苏西克斯与诺森伯兰四人喝的分别是自己夫人的1倍、2倍、3倍和4倍。  亲爱的同学们,你能知道谁和谁是夫妻,并求出先生们的饮酒量吗?  下面我们就用列方程组的方法来解决这个问题
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刻上时间印记的石头  在南非的五金店里,可以买到一种红色的石头,你不妨猜猜这些红色石头的用处。用作纪念品?用来制作颜料?都不是,它的真正用途说起来你大概会大吃一惊,原来当地人把这些石头当作“防晒霜”。把石头砸成粉末,添点水,往身上一涂,“防晒霜”便涂好了。  而在埃塞俄比亚的哈马尔部落,这种红色的石头有另外的用途——“洗发露”,哈马尔人将红色石头粉末涂抹在头发上,加水,揉搓,再冲洗,头发便洗好了,
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