亲爱的 M 少尉:谢谢你的问候,我希望我们度过一个美好的夏天。我反复研读了你的来信。你说你立志要当一个在中国和世界都著名的企业家,为此你陷入了处理尽职与酬志这对矛盾的苦恼,甚至产生了“军旅走不出企业家”的想法,感到“部队那一套没劲”。我不反对你的立志。可也不赞同你在目前这种思想基础上的立志,你将尽职与酬志的矛盾对立得太绝对了,由此引出的想法和感觉就欠妥
Dear M Ensign: Thank you for your greetings, I hope we have a wonderful summer. I have repeatedly studied your letter. You say that you aspire to be a famous entrepreneur in both China and the rest of the world. For this reason, you have fallen into the trap of dealing with the contradictions of due diligence and remuneration and have even created the idea of “military going beyond entrepreneurship.” You feel that “troops That set of boring. ” I do not oppose your determination. You also do not agree with your determination on the basis of the current thinking, you will dutifully oppose the conflict between the contradictions and remuneration, the resulting ideas and feelings are defective