草莓是多年生长绿草本植物,属浆果类。目前铜陵地区草莓生产大多以露地栽培为主,少量小拱棚栽培,一般在3月份上市,上市迟、产量低、效益差。为了使草莓提前到元旦、春节上市,我们在推广大棚草莓促成栽培的同时,于1997、1998两年引进四个草莓新品种,进行比较试验,以筛选出适合我市大棚栽培的草莓新品种,现将试验结果总结如下: 1 材料与方法 1.1 试验品种大棚栽培是指各季温度较低地区,采用促进花芽分化技术和大棚草帘覆盖保湿等措施,使草莓提早上市的一种栽培方法,所以宜选休眠浅、花芽分
Strawberry is a perennial growing green herb, which belongs to the berries. At present, mostly strawberry production in Tongling area mainly open-field cultivation, a small amount of small Shed cultivation, generally listed in March, listing late, low yield and poor efficiency. In order to make strawberry advance to New Year’s Day and Spring Festival, we promoted four strawberries in 1997 and 1998, Now the test results are summarized as follows: 1 Materials and methods 1.1 Test varieties Shed cultivation refers to the lower temperatures in each season, the use of flower bud differentiation and greenhouse straw curtain covered moisture and other measures to make strawberry early market a cultivation method, so Should choose to sleep shallow, flower bud points