本文介绍1986年修定的小儿心肺复苏术(CPR)基本方案。一、小儿心脏骤停的原因90%以上的小儿心脏骤停是由于呼吸道原因,而成人则多数由于心脏本身的病态,包括冠心病或心肌梗塞等。婴幼儿和儿童心脏骤停的常见原因有严重创伤、气管内异物引起窒息,吸入烟尘,婴儿突然死亡综合征(Sudden infant death syndrome)以及感染(尤其是呼吸道感染)。其它原因有癫痫大发作,中毒,食物卡噎,溺水,电击伤或先心病等。二、修改后的小儿CPR基本方法
This article describes the basic plan for pediatric cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) revised in 1986. First, the cause of cardiac arrest in children More than 90% of cardiac arrest in children is due to respiratory causes, while adults are mostly due to the pathological state of the heart itself, including coronary heart disease or myocardial infarction. Common causes of cardiac arrest in infants and young children are severe trauma, aspiration of foreign bodies in the trachea, inhalation of dust, Sudden infant death syndrome, and infections, especially respiratory infections. Other causes of epileptic seizures, poisoning, catching food, drowning, electric shock or congenital heart disease. Second, the revised basic method of pediatric CPR