甘薯蔓割病(萎蔫病)(Fusarium oxysporum f.sp.batatas),从1975年在日本伴随新品种红小町的迅速推广而蔓延。其原因是,此病由土壤传染,同时也由带菌薯块传染秧苗。除病重的块根顶部与茎基相连处出现纤维状蔓割症状外,在一般情况下带菌薯块表面并无异常,外观难以辨别是否病薯。而这样带菌种薯,薯苗传染率相当高。
Fusarium oxysporum f.sp.batatas, which spread from Japan in 1975 with the rapid promotion of new Komagomechi. The reason is that the disease is transmitted from the soil and the seedlings are also ingested by the potato tuber. In addition to the top of the diseased tubers connected to the stem at the top of the occurrence of fibrous trash symptoms, in general, there is no abnormalities on the surface of the fungus tubers, the appearance of difficult to distinguish whether the disease of potato. This carrier bacteria, potato seedling infection rate is quite high.