The Impact of Breastfeeding Pattern on the Duration of Lactational Amenorrhoea in Chengdu, China

来源 :Reproduction & Contraception | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dreamyear
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Objective To determine the relation between infant feeding practices (and other factors) and the duration of postpartum amenorrhoea in a sample of Chinese women Subjects &. Methods Infant feeding and the return of menses were measured longitudinally in 541 mothers and their infants in Pengxian County, Sichuan Province. The durations of breastfeeding and of lactational amenorrhoea were estimated through survival analysis. Cox’s non-parametric hazards regression analysis was performed to determine the variables associated with the duration of lactational amenorrhoea. Results Mothers breastfed frequently per day, the mean frequency ranging from 6. 4 per day at 3 weeks postpartum to 5. 4 per day at 6 months. They breastfed for over 18. 3 months on average. The median duration of lactational amenorrhoea was 9. 5 months. The period from birth until the first breastfeed was a significant determinant of the duration of lactational amenorrhoea, P = 0. 038. Compared with women who ended full breastfeeding earlier Objective To determine the relation between infant feeding practices (and other factors) and the duration of postpartum amenorrhea in a sample of Chinese women Subjects &. Methods Infant feeding and the return of menses were measured longitudinally in 541 mothers and their infants in Pengxian County, The durations of breastfeeding and of lactational amenorrhea were estimated through survival analysis. Cox’s non-parametric hazards regression analysis was performed to determine the variables associated with the duration of lactational amenorrhea. Results Mothers breastfed frequently per day, the mean frequency ranging from The median duration of lactational amenorrhea was 9. 5 months. The period from birth until the first breastfeed was a significant determinant of the duration of lactational amenorrhea, P = 0. 038. Compared with women who ended full bre astfeeding earlier
本研究利用载体材料纤维素纳米晶(CNC)、木瓜蛋白酶(papain,PA)以及非离子型聚丙烯酰胺(non-ionic polyacrylamide,n PAM)的表面电荷特性,制备了新型的固定化木瓜蛋白酶,利用
铅通过胃肠道和呼吸道进入人体后 ,随血流分布到全身各器官和组织 ,其体内动力学和分布具有三室模型的特征 :1室主要是血液 (特别是红细胞 ) ,或许还有某些软组织 ;2室主要是
HIV - 1感染及由其引起的AIDS严重地威胁着人类的健康。分子流行病学研究显示目前世界上流行的病毒株有HIV - 1及HIV - 2两型 ,HIV - 1型又有M (包括A -J10个亚型 )及O两群 ,我国主要流行株为M群的
为期7天的西藏自治区首期国家一级社会体育指导员培训班50名学员,10月24日下午获得了西藏自治区体委颁发的培训合格证书。 举办此次培训班,旨在培养西藏第一批合格的社会体