书法和国画是历史悠久,古老而又瑰奇的艺术,至今仍被作为中国特有的传统艺术。书法和国画作为一门高雅的艺术,能陶冶人们的情操,不仅其表现形式独具魅力, 两脚平放,这样才能提全身之力。写字作画必须思想集中,心正气和,灵活自若地运用手、腕、肘、臂,从而调动全身的气和力。这样,很自然地通融全身气血,使体内各部分功能得到调整,使大脑神经兴奋和抑制得到平衡,促进血液循环和新陈代谢。常练书画,能使人的心理达到
Calligraphy and traditional Chinese painting are ancient, magnificent arts that are still regarded as traditional Chinese art. Calligraphy and traditional Chinese painting, as an elegant art, can cultivate people’s sentiments. Not only are their forms of expression unique and attractive, their feet are laid flat so that they can exert their full power. Writing and painting must be focused on thinking, upholding the heart, using the hand, wrists, elbows and arms flexibly and flexibly to mobilize the energies and energies of the whole body. In this way, it is natural to fuse the whole body qi and blood so as to adjust the functions of various parts of the body, balance the excitability and inhibition of the brain, and promote blood circulation and metabolism. Often painting, can make people’s psychological reach