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从教十七年第一次担任新华爱心基金会在我校开办的“世界珍珠班”的班主任,心里忐忑不安,因为这里有50名家庭贫困但学业优秀珍珠生的学习、成长和50个家庭的希望未来。三年来,为了不负学校这一重托,我在班级管理和教学工作中倾注了大量的心血和艰巨的劳动,进行了积极大胆的尝试,三年下来所带班级学生在学习成绩、心理素质和品德修养等方面都有了很大提高,我的工作也得到 From 17 years teaching for the first time as Xinhua Love Foundation in our school “world pearl class ” class teacher uneasy heart, because there are 50 families of poor but excellent students learning pearl growth, growth and 50 families Hope for the future In the past three years, in order to live up to the trust of the school, I devoted a great deal of effort and arduous labor in class management and teaching work, and actively and daringly tried. Under the three years, the students in my class brought about their academic performance, psychological qualities and Morality and other aspects have been greatly improved, my work has also been
我以为,我永远难以忘怀  那列黑头的火车  戒掉陈年的煤烟回到晚年  我亲近它,看见  阳光的爱戴站在它的头顶  黑头,烟圈勒出的印痕  为我备好了今日的怀旧之需  我深知,还有那么多的火焰  醒在它的晚年里  还有千里迢迢的路程  喜欢听轮声忆苦思甜的铿锵  斜晖,喜欢把住人间动脉  浑然而成十指连心的祝福  愿它尝透晚年的沉静  旋即化作一座山脊的偶像  静态的名字,钢铁铸造的身体  依然牵挂