3月3日,世界轮胎科技领导者米其林公司在于苏州开幕的中国国际客车展览会上,正式发布了在中国市场推出的新型公交车专用X One轮胎-XDU。这种单胎产品彻底改变了传统上在客车上使用的双胎并装的方式。这一高科技的轮胎产品代表了当代最前沿的卡客车轮胎创新理念,可以为客车运输行业创造更高的效益和更高的安全性,这是中国卡客车轮胎市场上首次推出这种创新性的理念和产品,再次巩固了米其林在中国市场上作为全球轮胎科技领导者的领先地位。
On March 3, Michelin, the world leader in tire technology, formally announced X-Tire X X, a new dedicated bus for the Chinese market, at the opening of the China International Bus Expo in Suzhou. This single-tire product revolutionized the way twin and traditionally used on passenger cars. This high-tech tire product represents the most cutting-edge innovation in passenger car tires of the contemporary era, which can create greater benefits and safety for the passenger car transport industry. This is the first time that this innovative truck tire market is introduced in China Concept and products, once again solidified Michelin in the Chinese market as a global leader in tire technology leader.