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传统的小学美术课堂教学,教师采取的教学方法主要是以自身为中心的讲解灌输型,学生很少有机会能够参与到教师的教学活动中,这种落后固定的教学模式,限制了学生学习个性的发展,压抑了学生想象能力的提高,这对于需要学生尽情发挥自身想象力和创造精神的美术课程而言,有着十分不利的影响。《义务教育美术课程标准》中指出:“美术教学要充分发挥每个学生的主体性和创造性。”所以,让学生成为学习的主人,以此来培养学生的学习个性和创新精神,为小学美术整体教学质量的提高奠定坚实的基础。 Traditional primary school art classroom teaching, the teaching methods taken by teachers are mainly based on their own to explain the inculcating type, students rarely have the opportunity to participate in the teaching activities of teachers, this backward fixed teaching mode, limiting the student learning personality The development of students has depressed the improvement of students’ imagination, which has a very negative impact on art courses that require students to exert their imagination and creativity. “Compulsory Education Curriculum Standard” states: “Art teaching should give full play to each student’s subjectivity and creativity.” Therefore, let students become masters of learning, in order to cultivate students’ learning personality and innovative spirit for The overall quality of primary school teaching to improve the laying of a solid foundation.
富士康等制造商:拒付高通专利费是遵照苹果指示  高通日前在美国加州南区联邦地区法院对富士康集团、和硕、纬创资通和仁宝电脑4家苹果制造商提起诉讼,称其违反了与高通之间的许可协议和其他承诺,并拒绝就使用高通其他许可的技术付费。在起诉中,高通称,苹果制造商是遵循了苹果的指示,才做出拒付专利费的举动,剑指苹果。  苹果和高通的专利之战从2017年年初打响后愈演愈烈,先是苹果在美国起诉高通垄断芯片市场,并提