目的探讨煤矿采掘振动作业工人腕关节的核磁共振(MRI)表现。方法选择符合手臂振动病诊断标准的振动作业工人43名和非振动作业工人20名分别作为观察组和对照组。全部进行MRI检查,将两组MRI图像进行对比分析,并将观察组患者按不同接振时间分为5组,观察分析MRI征象的发展规律。结果观察组的MRI征象中,以关节积液最多,与对照组比较,差异有统计学意义(x~2=8.80,P<0.01);骨质疏松和骨质硬化与对照组比较,差异亦有统计学意义(x~2值分别为3.91,5.01,P<0.05);骨髓水肿和腕骨坏死只在观察组中出现,对照组中未观察到。关节积液和骨髓水肿发生高峰出现在接振早期。桡骨远端骨髓水肿信号在GE T_2WI序列中降低,有特异性。结论(1)腕部骨关节改变于接振早期即已出现并可由MRI检查发现;(2)桡骨远端骨髓水肿在手臂振动病诊断中有重要价值。
Objective To investigate the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of workers’ wrist in mining extractive workers. Methods Forty-three vibration workers and 20 non-vibration workers were selected as the observation group and the control group respectively. All of the MRI examination, the two groups of MRI images were compared, and the observation group patients were divided into five groups according to the different vibration duration, observation and analysis of the development of MRI signs. Results The MRI findings of the observation group showed the highest joint effusion, the difference was statistically significant (x ~ 2 = 8.80, P <0.01) compared with the control group; the osteoporosis and osteopetrosis were not significantly different from the control group (X ~ 2 = 3.91,5.01, P <0.05). Bone marrow edema and carpal necrosis only appeared in the observation group, but not in the control group. Joint effusion and bone marrow edema peak occurred in the early vibration. Distal radial bone marrow edema signal in the GE T_2WI sequence reduction, with specificity. Conclusions (1) The changes of wrist joint have appeared in the early stage of vibration and can be found by MRI. (2) The distal radial bone marrow edema has important value in the diagnosis of arm vibration disease.