到富县时刚好是中秋佳节。一轮满月圆圆地挂在开元寺塔顶,清辉洒下来,与现代化的七彩霓虹相映成趣。 就想起一个叫杜甫的古人。 富县位于陕西北部,在古时一直为鄜州建制,民国元年废鄜州,设鄜县,因“鄜”字生僻,由国务院于1964年更名为富县。 富县有个叫大申号的地方,据说原为“大圣号”,就是为了纪念唐代大诗人杜甫的。再原来,这里其实叫羌村。
To Fuxian just Mid-Autumn Festival. A full moon hung round Kaiyuan Temple Tower, Ching Hui sprinkle down, and modern colorful neon side by side. Think of an old man named Du Fu. Fuxian County is located in the northern part of Shaanxi Province. In ancient times, it was established as a state of Zhuozhou. In the first year of the Republic of China, it was scrapped Zhuozhou County and Juxian County. It was renamed Fu County by the State Council in 1964 due to the unusual character of “Ju”. There is a place in Fuxian called the Dazhao, which is said to have been renamed “The Grand Order” in commemoration of Du Fu, a great poet in the Tang Dynasty. Again, here actually called Qiang village.