能源是战略性资源,是一个国家经济增长和社会发展的重要物质基础。随着中部地区经济的不断增长,对能源的消费量也呈逐渐上升趋势。传统化石能源日益显示出供给和环境两方面的压力,而生物质能源的开发利用具有能源替代和减少二氧化碳排放的效应。中部地区生物质资源丰富,经估算结果如下:第一,2009年农作物秸秆、牲畜粪便和城市垃圾3种生物质资源沼气潜力达839.733亿m2,折合标煤7 314.75万t;第二,开发利用3种生物质资源可减少二氧化碳排放量53 880 594.83t。据此,提出建议:第一,重点开发利用秸秆、牲畜粪便等农村生物质资源;第二,为中部地区生物质资源转化为生物质能源产品进而实现减排效应创造支撑条件。
Energy is a strategic resource and an important material basis for a country’s economic growth and social development. With the continuous economic growth in the central region, the consumption of energy also shows a gradual upward trend. Traditional fossil fuels have increasingly shown pressure on both supply and environment, and the development and utilization of biomass energy has the effect of energy substitution and reduction of carbon dioxide emissions. The biomass resources in the central region are rich. The estimated results are as follows: First, the biogas potential of the three biomass resources of crop straw, livestock manure and municipal waste in 2009 reached 83.97333 billion m2, equivalent to 73.1475 million tons of standard coal; second, development and utilization Three kinds of biomass resources can reduce carbon dioxide emissions 53,880,594.83t. Accordingly, the following suggestions are put forward: First, focus on the development and utilization of rural biomass resources such as stalks and livestock excrements; secondly, create conditions for the conversion of biomass resources into biomass energy products in the central region so as to realize the emission reduction effect.