The Contents of an Empowering Programme for Staff Working With Retired Volunteers

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  This article focuses on the development and content of an empowerment programme for staff members at a service centre.An empowerment programme for staff working with retired volunteers can bring about better knowledge and understandingof elderly persons. This can lead to the target group being ideally managed and understood. The personnel work and interacton a daily basis with retired volunteers. The empowering programme includes matters such as the life circumstances ofretired volunteers, the value that retired volunteers have, for the functioning of the service centre, the reasons for utilisingretired volunteers, what volunteers expect of staff members, and the motivation of retired volunteers to be involved in thevarious activities of a service centre for the elderly to benefit the staff members themselves. By presenting and evaluating theempowerment programme, staff members will be able to become functional units in utilising elderly volunteers to the fullestpossible in order to benefit the staff members, the retired volunteers, and the community at large.
  Empowerment programme, retired volunteers, staff members, service centre, older persons
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