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优秀的文化,是一个民族生存和繁衍的支持。优秀的企业文化,是一个企业基业长青、行走百年的支持。它是企业个性化的根本体现,是企业生存、竞争、发展的灵魂。近年来,中共湖南省委宣传部、湖南省思想政治工作研究会在加强调查研究、总结经验、发现问题的基础上,秉承湖湘文化实事求是、经世致用、与时俱变的优良传统,吸取省外、境外企业文化建设的先进理念,遵循企业文化建设的规律和特点,结合湖南新一轮国企改革与非公有制企业蓬勃发展的实际,以省委、省政府两办的名义出台了《关于加强全省企业文化建设的指导意见》,积极引导和规范全省企业文化建设的健康发展。同时,从2006年开始,设立了高规格、高水平的企业文化论坛,为企业提供了展示和交流的平台。2007年9月1日,中共湖南省委宣传部、湖南省思想政治工作研究会以“市场竞争与企业和谐”为主题,成功举办了湖南省第二届企业文化论坛。中央在湘企业、省属国有企业、非公有制企业等不同性质的大中型企业的党委书记、董事长、总经理以及有关部门负责人等200多名代表参加了论坛。论坛上,中联重科、建工集团、衡钢、大汉等企业紧密结合自身实际,紧紧围绕论坛主题,生动形象、简明扼要地介绍了他们近年来积极参与市场竞争、努力构建和谐企业的想法和做法,使与会代表受益匪浅。本刊作为湖南省唯一的经济刊物,自2004年以来,就致力于“湖南优秀企业文化建设”的研究,对湖南省部分在企业文化建设有特点、有成效、有建树的企业进行了有效的探索和推广。作为此次论坛的媒体支持代表,本刊摘选有关企业家最真知灼见、最精妙独到的观点刊载如下,以期给湖南经济发展提供有益参考。 Excellent culture is the support of a nation for survival and reproduction. Excellent corporate culture, is a business foundation, walking a hundred years of support. It is the fundamental embodiment of enterprise personalization, is the soul of business survival, competition and development. In recent years, the Propaganda Department of CPC Hunan Provincial Committee and Hunan Political and Ideological Work Association, based on strengthening investigation and study, summing up experiences and discovering problems, adhering to the fine tradition of seeking truth from facts, using the world and changing from time to time, Absorbing the provincial and overseas advanced ideas of corporate culture construction, follow the rules and characteristics of corporate culture construction, combined with the new round of state-owned enterprises in Hunan reform and the non-public enterprises to flourish the reality of the provincial government two offices in the name of the introduction of the “ Guiding Opinions on Strengthening the Construction of Enterprise Culture across the Province, ”and actively guide and regulate the healthy development of the corporate culture in the province. At the same time, since 2006, we set up a high-standard and high-level forum for corporate culture, providing a platform for enterprises to display and exchange information. On September 1, 2007, Propaganda Department of CPC Hunan Provincial Committee and Hunan Political and Ideological Work Seminar successfully held the 2nd Hunan Provincial Corporate Culture Forum with the theme of “Market Competition and Enterprise Harmony”. Over 200 representatives of Party committees, chairman, general manager and heads of relevant departments of large and medium-sized enterprises of central government in Hunan, provincial state-owned enterprises and non-public-owned enterprises attended the forum. Forum, Zoomlion, Construction Engineering Group, Henggang, Tahan and other enterprises in close conjunction with their own reality, closely around the theme of the forum, a vivid image, concise introduction to their active participation in recent years, market competition, and strive to build a harmonious enterprise Ideas and practices to benefit delegates. As the only economic publication in Hunan Province, since 2004, we have devoted ourselves to the research of “Hunan outstanding corporate culture construction” and conducted some research on the characteristics, effectiveness and achievements of some enterprises in Hunan Province Effective exploration and promotion. As the forum’s media support representative, this magazine excerpts the most insightful opinions of entrepreneurs, the most exquisite and unique view is as follows, in order to provide a useful reference for the economic development of Hunan.
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