妊娠性会厌粘膜充血肿胀,是由妊娠期间体内代谢改变引起粘膜高度增生而致的良性血管性瘤样肿物。此种病变好发于齿龈,发生在会厌者较少见,现报告1例。 女,26岁,平素健康。第一胎妊娠16周时,因经常性咽痛、咽喉有异物堵塞感,呈进行性加重,吞咽时更为明显,伴咳嗽、发音沙哑来我科就诊。咽喉部检查。舌扁桃体充血肿大;会厌充血水肿,表面粘膜光滑、半透明呈水泡状隆起,会厌舌面中线偏左红肿隆起似半球状,约3×4cm;杓区水肿,活动受限,仅
Pregnancy epiglottis mucosal hyperemia and swelling, is caused by metabolic changes during pregnancy caused by mucosal hyperplasia of benign vascular tumor-like mass. This kind of lesions occur in the gums, occurred in epiglottis less common, is reported in 1 case. Female, 26 years old, usually healthy. The first pregnancy at 16 weeks of pregnancy, due to recurrent sore throat, foreign body throat blockage was progressive, swallowing more obvious, with cough, hoarse voice to our department. Throat examination. Tongue tonsil hyperemia; epiglottis congestion and edema, the surface mucosa smooth, translucent was blister-like bulge, epiglottis tongue midline left hemisphere swelling red hemispherical, about 3 × 4cm; spoon area edema, limited mobility, only