我院于1990年2月至1997年12月共行经尿道前列腺电切术450例,获得了较满意的治疗效果。现就有关围手术期的处理浅谈一下体会。 1 资料与方法 1.1 一般资料:本组450例,年龄48~95岁,平均65.3岁。病程1~20年。临床表现有尿频、夜尿次数增多及进行性排尿困难等症状,有急慢性尿潴留261例。所有病人均经肛门指诊及B型超声检查,确诊为前列腺增生Ⅰ°57例,Ⅱ°369例,Ⅲ°34例。发现有心脑肺肾等合并症者272例,其中有高血压104例(23.1%),冠心病94例(21.2%),糖尿病49例(11%),脑血管疾病8例(1.7%),慢性支气管炎肺气肿68例(15.2%),肾
Our hospital from February 1990 to December 1997 a total of 450 cases of transurethral resection of the prostate to obtain a more satisfactory treatment. Now on the perioperative treatment talk about experience. 1 Materials and Methods 1.1 General Information: This group of 450 cases, aged 48 to 95 years, mean 65.3 years. Duration of 1 to 20 years. Clinical manifestations of urinary frequency, increased frequency of nocturia and progressive dysuria and other symptoms, there are 261 cases of acute and chronic urinary retention. All patients were anus and B ultrasound examination, diagnosed as benign prostatic hyperplasia Ⅰ ° 57 cases, Ⅱ ° 369 cases, Ⅲ ° 34 cases. A total of 272 patients were found to have complications including cardiopulmonary, pulmonary and renal diseases, including hypertension in 104 (23.1%), coronary heart disease in 94 (21.2%), diabetes mellitus in 49 (11%) and cerebrovascular disease in 8 (1.7% , Chronic bronchitis emphysema in 68 cases (15.2%), kidney