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荀子云:“先义而后利者荣,先利而后义者辱。”从本质上说,社会主义荣辱观所揭示的就是如何处理公与私的关系问题。胡锦涛同志提出的“八荣八耻”,通俗易懂,人人明白。一些人说起来也是头头是道,明白得很,可一遇到具体问题就往往是非不分、荣耻不辨了。个中原因,说到底无非是私欲作祟。诚如一位人大代表所言:“我看关键是要树立大公无私的思想。私欲膨胀,必然荣耻不辨;出以公心,才能荣耻分明!”可谓一针见血,说到根子上了。 Xunzi Yun: “The righteousness then the profits, the first benefit and then the shame.” In essence, the socialist concept of honor and disgrace is how to deal with the relationship between public and private issues. The “Eight Honors and Eight Disgraces” put forward by Comrade Hu Jintao is easy to understand and everyone understands. Some people also speak in the first place and know very well that they can not be discriminated once they encounter specific problems. The reason, after all, is nothing more than selfish desires. As one NPC deputy said: “I think the key is to establish a selfless thought .Silk desires inflated, inevitable shame not distinguish; out of public mind, to be able to be ashamed of distinctness!”
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无论是在进一步完善无钟炉顶装料系统方面,还是在实际运用这种系统方面,都可发现大小高炉炼铁厂家对采用这种先进而经济的炉顶装料系统表现出越来越浓厚的兴趣。 Paul Wurth
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