An Analysis of the Novel “Awakening” Using Appraisal Theory

来源 :校园英语·上旬 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jeanstrouse
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  【Abstract】The paper mainly uses the attitude sub-system of the appraisal theory combining with rank scale to analyze the awakening process of Edna, the heroine in the novel “Awakening”. The article uses the emotion system to analyze Edna’s different love views before and after her awakening, resorts to the judgment system to show Edna’s deep loneliness accompanying her during her whole awakening process, and employs the appreciation system to explore the awakening of Edna’s sexuality.
  【Key words】attitude; judgment; Awakening; appreciation
  1. Introduction
  “Awakening”published in 1899, and it is a novel reflecting the ideas of feminist,Whose author is American writer Kate Chopin (1850-1904). “Awakening”describes a Merchant’s wife,28-year-old young woman Edna Pontellier, who fell in love with a playboy , Robert Lebrun, then beginning a series of acts of resistance. She bravely disengaged on track, abandoning the responsibility as a wife and mother and pursuing the spiritual wealth and economic independence. Finally, with shattered dreams,she gave up the struggle in despair, into the arms of sea.This paper is mainly from the perspective of functional linguistics to analyze the novel “ Awakening” with the appraisal theory.
  2. The appraisal theory
  Appraisal theory is about the evaluation—all kinds of attitudes of the negotiations in the discourse, the emotional intensity, value and a variety of ways of the Union readers (Martin
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