“很多”与“很少”是现代汉语里一对既普通又常用的词.关于它们在语法分布上的异同,前修和时贤们均有探讨.有些看法取得了一致,有些尚存在分歧.朱德熙先生认为“很少”不具有“体词性”;张维耿先生则提出相反的观点,认为“很少”跟“很多”一样,相当于数量词,“自然带有体词性”.此外,以前的论文都只是对“很多”与“很少”在语法分布上的异同作纯客观的描写, 至于为什么存在一些差异,未作深入的分
“Many ” and “Few ” are a pair of both common and commonly used words in modern Chinese.On the basis of their similarities and differences in the grammatical distribution, Some are still divided. Mr. Zhu Dexi believes that “very few ” does not have “syllabary ”; Zhang Weigeng puts forward the opposite view, that “rarely ” is the same with “many ”, equivalent to the number of quantifiers In addition, the previous essays are only purely objective descriptions of the similarities and differences in the grammatical distribution of “many ” and “rare ”. As for why there are some differences, Make in-depth points