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浙江是中国共产党的诞生地之一,浙籍知识分子为中共的创建做出了重大贡献。以今天的行政区划看,1927年国共分裂前,浙江所有的地级区市都建立了中共地方组织,大约有一半的县市建立了中共地方组织。与国内其他省份相比,浙江地方党组织无论是建党时间,还是党员发展数量,大概居于全国第二行列或中游水平。若从省内分析,浙江地方党组织创建中的特点有:除金华、武义以外,沿海各地党组织的建立明显早于内地各县市;早期党组织是从多方面发展而来的,党组织的上下隶属关系和今天的行政区划完全不等同;从党员人数看,各地党组织的发展是极不平衡的,其中杭州、宁波、金华、绍兴等地党组织发展相对较快,衢州、台州、舟山、丽水等地市的党组织发展相对滞后;各地党、团组织创建时间不一,并无固定规律。 Zhejiang is one of the birthplaces of the Chinese Communist Party. Zhejiang intellectuals made a significant contribution to the establishment of the CCP. In today’s administrative divisions, before the split of the Kuomintang and Communist Party in 1927, all the prefecture-level cities and districts in Zhejiang established local organizations of the CPC, and about half of them established local organizations of the CPC. Compared with other provinces in China, Zhejiang local party organizations, whether it is time for party building or the number of party members, is probably living in the second rank in the country or in the middle level. From the analysis of the province, Zhejiang local party organizations in the creation of the characteristics are: except Jinhua, Wuyi, the establishment of party organizations across the coast was significantly earlier than the mainland counties and cities; early party organizations developed from many aspects, the party organization The subordinate relations between the upper and the lower are totally different from today’s administrative divisions. From the number of party members, the development of party organizations in various places is extremely unbalanced. Among them, the party organizations in Hangzhou, Ningbo, Jinhua and Shaoxing have developed relatively fast. Quzhou, Taizhou, The development of party organizations in Zhoushan, Lishui and other cities and prefectures lags behind. There are no fixed laws for the establishment of the party and mass organizations throughout the country.
在中国古典文学中,妒妇的形象在历代的各种文体均有刻画,但对妒妇形象刻 画最为丰满生动的当属明清小说。本文对明清小说中的妒妇形象特点及其社会成因做了较为详 尽的论述。
目的:采用HPLC法测定金花葵花中金丝桃苷的含量.方法:用Inertex C18柱(4.6×250mm,5μm),流动相为甲醇-0.05%磷酸溶液(60:40,V/V),流速为1.0mL/min,检测波长为360nm,柱温为25