博学爱读中外书 敬业甘为孺子牛——专栏采访魏世林教授

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魏世林,男,1939年1月出生,四川合江人,汉族,教授。专业背景:皮革化学与工程。1961年毕业于成都工学院皮革及鞣皮剂工学专业(现四川大学皮革工程专业),同年10月被分配到北京轻工业学院轻化工一系皮革教研室任教,1970年学院移址陕西咸阳,易名西北轻工业学院,继续从事皮革专业教学与科研工作,直至1999年退休。他长期从事专业教学和科研工作,历任皮革教研室副主任、主任,皮革工程系副主任、主任,院学术委员会副主任,皮革工程研究中心主任,普通高校皮革工程专业教学指导小组副组长等职务。主讲了生皮化学及组织学、动物皮层胶原化学、制革工艺学、皮革工厂设计原理等课程,指导硕士研究生。先后主编、参编、合编(译)和独自编著的、已公开出版的书籍计9部(本)。1980年以来,他负责和参加了10余项科研项目,其中“六·五”国家科技攻关项目“提高汉口路山羊皮革质量研究”和“七·五”国家科技攻关项目“面粗质次猪皮制革新技术研究”分获1987、1991年度国家科技进步一等奖。1986年以来,先后发表论文30余篇。1991年7月起享受国务院颁发的政府特殊津贴,同年12月荣获国家级有突出贡献中青年专家荣誉称号。1999年退休后,曾在一些制革厂从事工艺技术工作,2002年至今,在河北省辛集市东明皮革有限公司皮革实验室工作。兼任《中国皮革》编审,《北京皮革》编委、《西部皮革》名誉编委。 Wei Shilin, male, born in January 1939, Sichuan Hejiang, Han nationality, professor. Professional background: leather chemistry and engineering. 1961 graduated from the Chengdu Institute of leather and tanning agent Engineering (now Sichuan University Leather Engineering), in October the same year was assigned to the Beijing Institute of Light Industry Department of Light Chemical leather teaching, teaching in 1970 moved to Xianyang, Shaanxi, renamed Northwest Institute of Light Industry, continue to engage in leather teaching and research, until retirement in 1999. He has long been engaged in professional teaching and scientific research, served as deputy director of leather teaching and research director, director of leather engineering department, director, deputy director of academic committee, director of leather engineering research center, general engineering teaching director of leather teaching group deputy leader . Lectures on rawhide chemistry and histology, animal cortical collagen chemistry, leather technology, leather factory design principles and other courses, to guide graduate students. Has edited, edited, co-edited (translated) and independently edited, has been published in the book count 9 (this). He has been in charge of and participated in more than 10 scientific research projects since 1980, among which “National Science and Technology Research Project of 65th Five-Year Plan”, “Research on Quality Improvement of Hankou Goat Leather” and “National Science and Technology Project of” “Rough surface pig skin leather technology research ” points 1987, 1991 annual national scientific and technological progress prize. Since 1986, has published more than 30 papers. In July 1991, it enjoyed the special government allowance issued by the State Council. In December of the same year, it won the honorary title of middle-aged and young experts with outstanding contributions. After retiring in 1999, he worked in a number of tannery process technology, since 2002, in Xinji City, Hebei Province Leather Co., Ltd. Leather Laboratory work. Part-time “China Leather” editorial, “Beijing Leather” Editorial Board, “Western Leather” honorary Editorial Board.