透过近年来发生的几场局部战争和武装冲突,可以看出飞机、导弹将是未来战场的主角,短兵相接的近战已走到了历史终结。那么,作为陆军中的士兵将来是否还要存在下去,还需具备什么样的能力呢?当今世界军事强国正在对此类问题进行探讨。 “密封化”士兵这指的是全副武装的战士。他们在作战中将只冒最小的危险,这一切都将归功于特制的军服。2010年以后的士兵将是坚不可摧的,他们在严严实实的军服和配有观测器、能够控制所有武器的头盔的保护下,通过卫星通讯系统与战友联络。通过头盔前额部分的屏幕可以观察到战场的情况,
Through several local wars and armed conflicts that have taken place in recent years, it can be seen that aircraft and missiles will be the protagonists of the future battlefield. The close combat close combat has reached the end of history. So, as soldiers in the army in the future whether there is still need to have what kind of ability to have it? The world’s military powers are now on such issues are discussed. “Sealed ” Soldiers This refers to fully armed warriors. They will only take the least danger in the battle, all thanks to the special uniform. After 2010, the soldiers will be impregnable. They will be able to contact comrades-in-arms via satellite communications under the protection of a genuine military uniforms and helmets equipped with observers and capable of controlling all kinds of weapons. Through the forehead part of the helmet screen can be observed battlefield situation,