In the long hall of the entrancing Pentagon, there are paintings, each drawing depicting a war that has increased American pride. The last one below engraved “World War II: 1941 -”. Obviously these words were written before the end of World War II. In a sense, the not-yet-era itself indicates what. However, another big battle for competitive economic leadership has been going on. The weapons used in this fight are inventions, innovations and innovations. All countries are rapidly catching up after half a century behind the United States. Such evidence abounds, with capital investment, funds for industrial research, the entry of imported products into the domestic market and figures on the numbers of technicians in productivity, all of which indicate that the United States’ leadership is declining. In some major areas, Japan has made the United States less attractive. At the same time, Europe is also evolving step by step, accelerating its pace in the process of a huge single economy formed by itself.