复合补片是由多种材料复合在一起,可以避免单一材料功能、性能的单一性,集多种材料的优点于一身。复合补片具有与组织相容性良好;其特殊结构有利于补片自然撑开展平,使补片放置更加容易,能有效防止粘连;可有效防止感染及疝复发等优势。复合补片临床应用广泛,在疝外科应用较为成熟且疗效确切,在整形美容等众多领域也得到较好应用,然而其更多性能还有待于进一步开发研究。“,”Composite patch(composite mesh) is a composite of a variety of materials, to avoid the sin-gularity of a single materiale,and be equipped with the advantages of multiple materials.Composite patch has good compatibility with tissues,and its special structure is easy to open flat naturally, which makes it easier to place the patch and can effectively prevent adhesion , infection and hernia recurrence .The composite patches are widely used in clinical,and the application is more mature and accurate in hernia repair,while cosmetic surgery is also a good application field.However,further studies and development are still needed for the application of the materials.