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科学技术对于我国各个领域的发展有着积极的促进作用,信息技术的不断发展对我国的教育领域也发起了巨大的冲击。小学是学生学习的起步阶段,同时,也是学生学习生涯中非常重要的阶段。就针对小学信息技术教学实践与思考进行浅显分析,希望对相关的教学人员有所帮助,促进我国小学教学水平的提升。 Science and technology have played a positive role in promoting the development of all fields in our country. The continuous development of information technology has also brought a huge impact on our country’s education. Primary school is the initial stage of student learning, at the same time, it is also a very important stage of the student learning career. On the primary information technology teaching practice and thinking for a brief analysis, I hope relevant teaching staff to help promote the improvement of primary school teaching in our country.