研究典型零件机械加工工艺的特点及经验知识,利用Visual Basic 6.0开发基于典型零件机械加工工艺实训系统。针对轴、箱体、齿轮、连杆四类典型零件建立工艺知识学习模块、工艺知识测试模块、典型工艺分析模块、典型工艺实训模块和管理模块。同时在典型工艺分析模块里还建立针对轴、箱体、齿轮、连杆四类典型零件常见机械加工表面的典型工艺知识库,通过交互界面的可视化设计,根据指定零件被加工表面的特点自动生成加工方案,针对指定零件进行工艺规程编写实训以及对数据库中的内容进行可视化管理。
Research on the characteristics and experience of machining process of typical parts, using Visual Basic 6.0 to develop a practical training system based on typical parts machining. For the shaft, box, gear, connecting rod four typical parts of the establishment of process knowledge learning module, process knowledge test module, a typical process analysis module, a typical technology training module and management module. At the same time, a typical process knowledge base of common machining surfaces of four typical parts such as shaft, box, gear and connecting rod is also established in the typical process analysis module. Through the visual design of the interactive interface, it is automatically generated according to the characteristics of the machined surface of the specified part Processing program, for the specified part of the preparation of technical procedures for the preparation of training and content in the database for visual management.