在近十多年的语文教学中发现,教学过程中学生学习课文时能够根据老师的讲解,认真的分析、学习、掌握语文知识及教学内容,而在课外阅读时却实效性不高,虽然都是把文字读一遍,但收效却不多。通过调查发现,学生在进行课外阅读时主要有以下几种现象:1.阅读范围窄、阅读量少。学生比较喜欢通俗读物,如卡通漫画书,对科技知识读物不感兴趣,不太喜欢文学名著。2.从阅读目的来看,消遣性阅读成为主要目的 ,而真正为提
During the past ten years of teaching Chinese, students find that they can analyze, learn and master Chinese knowledge and teaching content according to the teacher’s explanation while they are learning the text. However, Read the text again, but the effect is not much. Through the survey found that students in the extracurricular reading mainly the following phenomena: 1. Narrow reading, reading less. Students prefer popular books, such as comic books, are not interested in science and technology reading materials, do not like literary classics. 2. For reading purposes, recreational reading is the main purpose, but really mention