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一、对近年来高考中综合考试的一些认识研究文理大综合(广东、河南卷)的试题,笔者认为它具有以下突出特点:1.重视基础知识和基本技能的考查,突出考查各学科主干内容(如化学学科重点涉及到的内容有:物质结构元素周期律、氧化还原反应、有机物的结构及与性质的关系、无机物的性质及用途等),与2000年相比,跨学科比重略有下降,但非选择题给予考生答题自由发挥的空间明显增大。 I. Some understandings of recent comprehensive examinations in college entrance exams The study questions of the comprehensive study of Guangdong University of Science and Technology (Henan, Henan) have the following outstanding features: 1. Pay attention to the examination of basic knowledge and basic skills, and highlight the main contents of various disciplines. (For example, the chemical disciplines mainly include: periodic law of the structural elements of the material, redox reaction, the relationship between the structure and properties of the organic matter, the nature and use of the inorganic material, etc.). Compared with 2000, the proportion of interdisciplinary is slight. The decline, but the non-choice questions give candidates a free space to answer the question significantly increased.
一、插入语干扰例1:1 :He believes in himself,_____,in my opinion, is of the most impor-tance.A.that B.which C.what D.as例2: He hasn’t come yet. What do you con
A Charming(迷人的) MonkeyCharles Darwin was once invited to dinner. He happened to be sitting with a young and beautiful lady.“Mr Darwin,” the lady asked him
To be conscious that you are ignorant is a greatstep to knowledge.察觉自己的无知,就是向知识跨进了一大步。 To be aware that you are ignorant is a greatstep to