2005 IPTV中国峰会于4月21-22日在北京召开。来自信息产业部、国家厂电总局相关领导和国内外知名专家以及IPTV产业链中的电信运营商、内容提供商、系统集成商、终端制造商、风险投资商代表上千人参加了会议,并就IPTV产业的运营、内容、技术、服务、管理和协调等诸多热点问题进行了讨论。信息产业部通信科技委员会委员侯自强在会上称,目前国内IPTV产业被媒体炒作过火。他表示,不能依据国外市场目前的发展状况来判断国内IPTV业务的走向,“国外运营IPTV的路子在中国走不通”。侯自强说,欧美一些国家上马IPTV业务的运营商,大都是新兴的运营商和小规模的地方运营商,在业务开展过程中同样面临节目内容不足的问题,卫星电视节目和影视节目点播是普遍被采用的模式。但是中国市场的情况很特殊,盗版影视光碟泛滥成灾,价格低廉,视频点播的市场前景相当不明朗。
2005 IPTV China Summit was held in Beijing on April 21-22. Thousands of representatives from the Ministry of Information Industry, the State Administration for Industry and Electric Power and well-known domestic and overseas experts as well as telecom operators, content providers, system integrators, terminal manufacturers and venture capitalists in the IPTV industry chain attended the meeting and IPTV industry on the operation, content, technology, services, management and coordination and many other hot issues were discussed. Hou Ziqiang, member of the Communications Technology Committee of the Ministry of Information Industry, said at the conference that at present, the domestic IPTV industry has been over-hyped by the media. He said that it is not possible to judge the direction of domestic IPTV services based on the current development of foreign markets. “The path of overseas operation of IPTV can not get through in China.” Hou Ziqiang said that in some countries in Europe and the United States, the operators that launch IPTV services are mostly emerging operators and small-scale local operators. In the course of business development, they also face the problem of insufficient program content. Demand-based satellite television programs and video programs are prevalent The adopted mode. However, the situation in the Chinese market is very special. Pirated video CDs have become rampant and the prices are low. The market prospect of video on demand is quite uncertain.