
来源 :湖南水产 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:depewguy
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隆回县对过去在发行和学用两刊中出现的好典型进行广范宣传,以典型尝到的学用“两刊”促进渔业生产的甜头,去影响和带动其他群众订阅“两刊”。金石桥镇花园村三组养鱼户胡文志,1989年订阅《湖南水产》和《中国水产》各1份,他按照刊物上介绍的技术措施进行鱼种培育,草鱼成活率高达97%,比未订“两刊”前的1988年提高67%,鱼产量增加一倍,产值增加二倍多。今年,胡文志不仅自己继续订阅刊物,还发动其他养鱼户订阅《湖南水产》,使该村入户率由1989年的一户增至今年的五户。在学刊用刊中, Longhui county conducted extensive publicity on the good typical of the past and the two academic journals published in the past. Using the typical two academic journals to promote the sweetness of fishery production, Longhui County affected and led other people to subscribe to the “two journals” . Hu Shih-chih, a group of fish farmers in Garden Village, Jinshiqiao Town, subscribed 1 copy each of “Hunan Aquatic Products” and “Chinese Aquatic Products” in 1989. According to the technical measures introduced in the publication, he breed fingerlings with a grass carp survival rate as high as 97% Booked before the “two issues” in 1988 increased by 67%, fish production doubled, the output value more than tripled. This year, Hu Wenzhi not only continued subscribing to his own publications, but also launched other fish farmers subscribing to “Hunan Aquatic Products”, increasing the number of households in the village from one in 1989 to five this year. In academic journals,
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实验装置如图: 步骤:①在A瓶内加水,滴加酚酞试液,然后加满煤油。②在A瓶内投入一黄豆大小的钠块(大一点也没危险),迅速塞上双孔塞。③在C处点燃。 The experimental devic
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1997年8月26日到29日,湖南省澧县教育局组织两个督查组就全县中小学图书馆(室)建设进行了全面督查。这是该县今年在狠抓图书馆(室)建设过程中所采取措施之一。 澧县在接受省