书学至唐代进入鼎盛时期,一时间大师辈出,又以颜真卿为其翘楚。 颜真卿(709-785)年一字清臣,京兆万年(今陕西西安)人,著名学者颜师古五世孙。三岁丧父,母殷氏课读习字,督教甚严。中进士,历仕玄宗、肃宗、代宗、德宗四朝。曾任平原太守,世称“颜平原”;又因封鲁郡开国公,人称颜鲁公。为官清廉忠烈。安史之乱,与其堂兄常山太守颜杲卿联络十七郡相与起义讨伐叛贼,为盟主,战功卓著。晚年奉使劝谕叛将李希烈,为其所执,坚贞不屈,被缢杀。以“人生自古谁无死,留取丹心照汗青”而流芳百世之南宋名相文天祥对其景仰不已,有诗云:……崎岖坎坷不得志,出入四朝
Book study to the heyday of the Tang Dynasty, a master of time, but also to Yan Zhen as its leader. Yan Zhenqing (709-785) year word Qingchen, Jing Zhao years (now Xi'an) people, famous scholar Yan Shigu the fifth generation. Three-year-old lost his father, mother Yin classes to read the word, Christianity is very strict. Scholars, Lishi Xuanzong, Su Zong, Daizong, Germany were four. Former plains prefect, the world “Yan plain ”; and because of Fengru county founding public, called Yan Lu public. For the honest honest An Shih chaos, and his cousin Changshan Yanzong Prefecture lord contact seventeen counties with the uprising crusade against thieves, as the lord, outstanding military exploits. In his later years, Feng advised Persecution Li Xi Lie, for which he was, firm and unyielding, was killed. In order to “life has never died, take Dan Xin heart according to history” and the legendary Southern Song Dynasty Xiangwen Tianxiang admiration for it, poem: ...... rugged bumpy, out of the four dynasties