“李醇喜又将出席陕西省劳改系统优秀知识分子代表座谈会。”最近,这消息传播在西安市东郊的一所劳改工厂里,人们赞叹不已。 今年28岁的李醇喜同志,1984年由陕西工学院锻压专业毕业,分配到陕西第二汽车制造厂(省第四劳改支队),一直从事技术和管教工作。七年来他勤奋工作、刻苦钻研、不断实践,为厂里在开发产品、改进质量、提高生
“Li Youxi will also attend the seminar for outstanding intellectuals in Shaanxi Province’s reform-to-labour system.” Recently, the news spread in a labor reform factory in the eastern suburbs of Xi’an, and people were amazed. Comrade Li Youxi, 28 years old, graduated from the Shaanxi Institute of Technology forging in 1984 and was assigned to the Shaanxi No. 2 Automobile Manufacturing Plant (the fourth reformer of the province). He has been engaged in technical and discipline work. In the past seven years, he has been working diligently, assiduously, and continuously practicing to develop products, improve quality, and improve health for the factory.