1996年浙江省杂交晚稻协优46和汕优10号种植面积达510万亩,已占杂交晚稻总面积的60%,不仅现在是杂交晚稻的主栽品种组合,今后几年仍将是我省杂交晚稻的主栽品种。但在一些地方前几年种植这两个组合发生不同程度的早穗现象,其主要原因是:播种过密,秧苗素质差,秧龄过长,移栽后施肥、管理不及时,致使分蘖迟,分蘗慢等等,为夺取杂交晚稻高产稳产,种植协优46和汕优10号应注意以下几个问题。 1.适时播种是前提。杂交晚稻的播种期应从安全齐穗期出发,各地要根据当时温光、肥水资源条件确定适时的播种期。例如浙南的温州市平原低温来得迟,光照充足.土壤肥沃,雨量充沛等,适时播种期可在7月初。而边缘山区可适当提早播种;在金华、衢州、台州等平原地区播种期可在6月15~18日,其它地区可
In 1996, Zhejiang Province hybrid late rice Xieyou 46 and Shanyou 10 planted an area of 510 hectares, accounting for 60% of the total area of hybrid late rice, not only now is the main varieties of hybrid late rice varieties in the next few years will be my province The main varieties of hybrid late rice. However, in some places a few years ago to plant these two combinations of different degrees of early spike phenomenon, the main reason is: over-sowing, poor quality of seedlings, seedling age is too long, after transplanting fertilization, management is not timely, resulting in late tillering, Tillering slow, etc., in order to seize high yield and stability of late hybrid rice, planting Xieyou 46 and Shanyou 10 should pay attention to the following questions. 1. Sowing time is the premise. The sowing date of hybrid late rice should start from the safe heading stage, and all localities should determine the proper sowing date according to the conditions of temperature, light and fertile water at that time. For example, Wenzhou City, south-east of Wenzhou City, low temperatures come later, adequate sunshine, fertile soil, abundant rainfall, timely sowing period in early July. The edge of the mountain can be sown properly in advance; in Jinhua, Quzhou, Taizhou and other plains sowing period in June 15 to 18, other areas may be