王义夫: 你好!在亚特兰大奥运赛场,你不向命运屈服的硬汉形象深深地感动了我。我一直想写信给你,但苦于没有地址,现在《新体育》给了我这次机会,特向你表达我由衷的敬意。 你屈居亚军的那天,正值我高考落榜。看着因一分之差而与高校失之交臂的分数卡,我失望极了,当时我想到了死,想逃避命运对我的捉弄。这时我从电视屏幕上看到了你在比赛中
Wang Yifu: Hello! In the Olympic Games in Atlanta, you do not give in to the fate of the tough guy deeply touched me. I always wanted to write to you, but suffer from no address. Now “New Sports” gave me this opportunity, especially to express my heartfelt respect to you. You run into runner-up on the day, when I took the entrance examination. I was disappointed when I looked at the fractional card that I had missed because of one point difference with the university. At that time, I thought of death and tried to escape the fantasy of teasing me. At this moment I saw you on the TV screen