Anemia after gastric surgery divided into two categories: First, iron deficiency microcytic hypochromic anemia: Second, the lack of vitamin B 12 and / or folic acid megaloblastic anemia. Iron deficiency anemia is more common, but both types can coexist. (A) iron deficiency anemia: partial gastrectomy after iron deficiency anemia incidence of 33-50%, mainly due to iron malabsorption, the mechanism is: 1. Gastric acid deficiency. Stomach acid can iron free food, only free iron can be absorbed. Gastric acid and high iron can become easily absorbed low iron; 2 intestine to absorb iron capacity to the duodenum strongest (about 50% absorption of iron), intestinal absorption of iron less. Iron deficiency anemia after gastrectomy see more than vagotomy and drainage surgery, Pittsburgh-style anastomosis (gastrojejunostomy) patients.